39 jira search labels not in
JQL - When using 'NOT IN ()' for custom fields and labels ... When using JQL to search for tickets using the NOT IN () functionality doesn't include tickets that have no value in the custom field or labels field. This is clearly wrong, as when the field has no value, it clearly does not contain the value. labels not in (productionEmergency) Expected output: Tickets that don't have the 'productionEmergency' tag. How can I find issues with a label NOT in a specif... Dec 01, 2017 · In Jira terms, the starting point is "labels is not empty". But then you want to exclude issues where the labels are only foo, bar or foo and bar. I can't think of a neat way to to that, because the logic of "not" means you get "not " not "not " Like Mitchell Yawitz Dec 02, 2017 Yup, that's it.
Why my JQL search with "not in" or "!=" (not equals ... Aug 14, 2020 · When performing a JQL search for issues not in a category or without a label, for example, using the "not in" or "!=" (not equals) operators, some are left out. Cause Some fields in Jira are actually relationships. When we tell JQL something like: assignee not in ("user1","user2")
Jira search labels not in
Jira labels in/not in - Stack Overflow Jan 12, 2022 · The below code works fine: project = (ABC) AND ( "Epic Theme" in (team-A) OR issueFunction in issuesInEpics ("\"Epic Theme\" in (team-A)") OR labels in (team-A, some, random, things) ) If I add a label of 'team-B' to one of the returned jira's then it also appears on team B's board as expected, but I also want to remove it from team A's board ... Searching Jira for label != - Stack Overflow Jan 30, 2014 · This is the correct answer. cc: @Lihilu. Will display all issues with labels that differ from 'ab', but not empty labels. I get results for labels = ab, but when adding ! before the = I get 0 results. BTW - it does not give me an error, like the !~ gives, it just says 0 results. Solved: JQL labels not in (LabelName) - Atlassian Community Dec 18, 2019 · To essentially run the first part of the query first before the label aspects. So for me (labels is EMPTY OR labels not in (cookies-blocker, cookies-mvp)) And filter=99501. I'm also using a saved query for ease. It works! To me, it would more sense if labels not in (x) returned the opposite of labels in (x).
Jira search labels not in. Solved: JQL labels not in (LabelName) - Atlassian Community Dec 18, 2019 · To essentially run the first part of the query first before the label aspects. So for me (labels is EMPTY OR labels not in (cookies-blocker, cookies-mvp)) And filter=99501. I'm also using a saved query for ease. It works! To me, it would more sense if labels not in (x) returned the opposite of labels in (x). Searching Jira for label != - Stack Overflow Jan 30, 2014 · This is the correct answer. cc: @Lihilu. Will display all issues with labels that differ from 'ab', but not empty labels. I get results for labels = ab, but when adding ! before the = I get 0 results. BTW - it does not give me an error, like the !~ gives, it just says 0 results. Jira labels in/not in - Stack Overflow Jan 12, 2022 · The below code works fine: project = (ABC) AND ( "Epic Theme" in (team-A) OR issueFunction in issuesInEpics ("\"Epic Theme\" in (team-A)") OR labels in (team-A, some, random, things) ) If I add a label of 'team-B' to one of the returned jira's then it also appears on team B's board as expected, but I also want to remove it from team A's board ...
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